
John Wuorinen began working at Columbus Academy in 1984 and currently teaches math in our Upper School. John has served several roles at Academy including as math department chair, swim coach, dean of students in our Upper School and director of admissions. An Academy graduate in the Class of 1980, John competed on the swim and JV boys soccer teams, and served as varsity boys soccer manager. He also was a part of the yearbook staff and frisbee club, and aspired to become a math teacher on campus. John then went on to earn a B.A. from the University of Virginia. John and his wife, Liz, have three sons who graduated from Academy: Conrad '12, Alec '13, and Calvin '16.

John’s favorite thing about Columbus Academy
Besides lunch? The incredible sense of community that's here. I'm Viking-proud."

Little-known fact
I'm a birder, love to travel (been to 49 states), and love live music."

  • B.A. University of Virginia