
Lyrin McKibben will serve as the long-term maternity substitute teacher for Rachel Youssef's middle school Spanish classes to begin the 2024-25 school year at Columbus Academy. Lyrin obtained a B.A. in Political Science and Spanish from The Ohio State University, where she also gained experience in fieldwork with a political scientist in Cambodia during the summer of 2023. During her time at Ohio State, Lyrin received the Jacobina Aman Award for writing the best international relations paper in the political science department. She also holds an Associate of Arts degree from Columbus State Community College and is in the process of applying to graduate schools for Hispanic linguistics. Lyrin is familiar to Academy having spent time working with our Summer Experience program. She has two cats, Leia and Mr. Peaches, and a younger sister named Rhyann who is her best friend. 

Lyrin's favorite thing about Columbus Academy
"The welcoming environment and myriad of opportunities that are here!"

Favorite sports teams
Ohio State Buckeyes and Pittsburgh Steelers

Little-known fact
"I've had brain surgery!"

  • B.A. The Ohio State University , Political Science and Spanish
  • A.A. Columbus State Community College