Tuition to Columbus Academy

We recognize that a family’s decision to enroll their child at our school is an important one, made through thoughtful consideration.

We are an expensive place, yet the benefits — extrinsic and intrinsic — that a child stands to receive here are many. At Academy, we spend almost twice the amount per student than nearby public schools. We have small classes, excellent teachers and lots of opportunities to participate and achieve in the arts and athletics, research and robotics. Our state-of-the-art facilities, including those afforded by our 231-acre wooded campus, create an incubator for dreaming and doing."

~ Melissa Soderberg, Head of School


Helpful Resources
  • 2025-26 Tuition Rates

    Lower School (Explorers – Grade 5)

    Explorers Program 
    *Tuition assistance is not available for our Explorers Program
    5 Mornings (required): $16,100
    5 Mornings (required) with M-W-F Afternoons: $20,900
    5 Mornings (required) with 5 Afternoons : $23,800

    5 mornings (required) Semester #1 and 5 Full Days (required) Semester #2: $20,700
    5 mornings (required) with M-W-F afternoons Semester #1 and 5 Full Days (required) Semester #2: $24,000
    5 mornings (required) with 5 afternoons Semester #1 and 5 Full Days (required) Semester #2: $25,700

    Kindergarten: $30,500
    Grades 1-2: $31,400
    Grades 3-4: $31,800
    Grade 5: $32,400

    Middle School (Grades 6-8)

    Grade 6: $33,000
    Grade 7: $33,300
    Grade 8: $33,500

    Upper School (Grades 9-12)

    Grade 9: $34,300
    Grade 10: $35,200
    Grade 11: $36,800
    Grade 12: $37,100


    Tuition covers the major portion of instructional and academic costs as well as the cost of lunches, the cost of most instructional materials, routine diagnostic testing, assemblies, programs, newsletters and mailings, films, audio visual materials and library supplies.

    Tuition does not cover the cost of specially arranged individual diagnostic or psychological testing, or the administration of externally administered testing programs like SAT, ACT, or AP exams. Enrollment in our after-school program, CASE, entails additional fees. Some athletic accessories and instructional supplies will be the responsibility of each family.

    Special field trips, as well as materials for special art and science projects, are generally not covered by tuition. These items are billed separately on a prorata basis of actual costs. Parents or guardians of students responsible for breakage or loss of school equipment or furnishings will be assessed the repair or replacement costs as defined by the school.


    There is a charge for textbooks and expendables in the Lower, Middle, and Upper School. Some of our textbooks are provided at state expense. Some faculty members may request that students purchase other textbooks, paperback books and review materials for their courses, and most Upper School textbooks are purchased directly by parents from outside suppliers. Textbook charges are billed periodically and are due upon receipt of the invoice.


    Enrollment deposits are applied to accounts pursuant to the payment plan selected within the Enrollment Contract. 

  • Need-Based Tuition Assistance

    At Columbus Academy we understand that to be one of the premier independent day schools, we must enroll students with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. This includes talented and motivated students from families, some of whom are not able to afford to pay full tuition. We believe our diversity enriches every member of the Academy community. Tuition assistance is not available to those entering or currently enrolled in our Explorers Program.

    Tuition assistance is closed for the 2024-25 school year, but families are welcome to call our admissions office to discuss further.

    If you have any questions about need-based tuition assistance, please contact Director of Enrollment Management Adriana Matzke by emailing, calling 614-509-2221 or click here to schedule a conversation.

    Columbus Academy uses Clarity to determine a family’s level of financial need. Need-based grant determinations are made based on the information that families share about assets, income, expenses and debts.

    Important deadlines
    Current families: December 15, 2024
    New families: February 1, 2025

    The application for tuition assistance is available here (deadline for new families is February 1, 2025).

    Clarity Family Support (available in English and Spanish)

    All family support is available in Spanish and English. The Financial Assistance Application is available fully translated into Spanish using the drop-down in the lower-left corner.

    View the Clarity Quick Reference Guide in English or Spanish

    Clarity Family Information Webinars

    Register to attend a live webinar hosted by Clarity. These webinars include details about key aspects of the application, things to look out for, materials to gather, how to get help, how the tax verification process works and a robust Q&A. Webinars for 2024 have concluded, but stay tuned for links to future sessions for 2025.

  • Merit-Based Scholarships

    Columbus Academy offers merit scholarships to new incoming Grade 9 students who embody the abilities and values that represent the excellence of the Academy community and mission.

    Merit selection is based upon test scores, transcripts, recommendations and a review of all Grade 9 first-round applications, the Upper School Admissions Committee will select a group of merit scholarship finalists from among those students whose applications will be accepted.

    All grants are renewable through graduation while the recipient maintains a solid academic and social record.

    Note: Merit Scholarships are not awarded based on athletic interest, involvement or excellence. The Ohio High School Athletic Association’s (OHSAA) bylaws forbid athletic scholarships.

    If you have any questions regarding our Merit Based Scholarships, please contact Director of Admissions Patrick Skahan by emailing or calling 614-509-2234.
  • Transportation

    Click here to learn more about bus transportation to our campus and view a map of bus stops.